Monday, February 11, 2013

Hooked on Phoenix


Here Goes Nothing, Here Goes Everything

Hello readers! I am so honored by the overwhelming responses of support and encouragement as I start this new adventure in the wide blue yonder. In response to multiple requests, I have added an email subscription option to my site, so you can have my updates delivered directly to your inbox rather than checking the blog location for the latest post. It should be right at the top above the posts as a header, and you can enter your email in directly.  As they say, instant gratification takes too long. :)
Thanks so much again for your interest in my little exploits around the world!

As I’m typing this first part, I’m sitting on flight 1507 from Charlotte NC to Phoenix Arizona. The jet is an Airbus 321; a mighty behemoth of an aircraft, and it feels like a small city of people floating along at 32,500 feet. I felt a surge of pride when I saw the shiny fleet of US Airways jets taxiing down the runway on my connecting flight. It feels like, for the first time in my life, I’m doing something truly ambitious and of my own choosing. One could argue that graduating college is ambitious, but at the same time, when I started my college career I didn’t really know what else to do with my life. It more or less happened because I didn’t know what else to do for the betterment of my life. Now, I’m forging my own path with the machete of my imagination.
The lady who was sitting next to me threw up into her purse when the plane took off, and so I have the pleasant scent of stomach acid looming in my nostrils as I sip my coffee and type. It would seem flying makes her nervous. I was clandestinely sorry for the flight attendants who had to help clean up the mess, and had an abrupt moment of truth about my future job. Still, I’m excited. Pushing myself out of Chattanooga and starting a career beyond what I had ever imagined for myself feels far more rewarding because it is a decision made entirely by my own volition.

Yesterday was a whirlwind of events, and trying to recall even 24 hours ago feels like holding a handful of water while trying not to let it all seep through my fingers. Brandon and I woke up to go to breakfast with some old friends of his/new friends of mine who wanted to catch up and see me off. This took the edge off the whole “last day in the Noog” effect, and it really humbled me how these kind people who barely know me were so eager to deepen our acquaintance. We talked about all the beautiful places to hike and explore in the Arizona area, and as a huge outdoor enthusiast I took note. I’m not sure at this point how much logistical freedom I’ll have outside of training, but if it’s at all possible I plan to do some exploring—even if its just around Phoenix itself.
Afterwards I went to the mall, where I picked out the perfect shade of red lipstick— a required part of my future uniform. In fact, reading the persnickety appearance requirements in the employee training packet is really amusing. Your makeup has to be just so, and your hair length and style also has to fall within very strict parameters. They only allow certain color hair ties and clips, and your clothing has to be approved every day at inspection. It really drives home the point that we, as representers of the airline, must demonstrate a carefully tailored image. Very glamorous, yet a little intimidating. As trainees, we may be asked to change our personal appearance down to the last detail or go home.
Later that evening, Brandon and my friends surprised me with a going away party. It wasn’t a complete surprise (I tend to catch on to hints and surreptitious glances between my friends when me leaving was mentioned in conversation) but I was utterly blown away by how many of my buddies showed up to send me off with gusto. We had a fun dinner, dancing and general merriment. A couple “posters” with well wishes, advice and random drawings came home with me, and they’re going to be proudly displayed in my hotel room for the duration of my stay! I love you guys!

3 airports and 2 time zones later….

After landing in Phoenix, I found my luggage and somehow managed to not get completely lost on my way to the hotel shuttle. The enduring impression I had of myself was having only a vague idea of where I was supposed to be, but acting like I was on top of it. I walked with purpose, and by that I mean busted  move all over that airport. Airports in Phoenix and Charlotte are not at all like airports in Tennessee. These are like small cities within themselves with luxury haberdashers, restaurants, massage parlors and even shoe shiners. My mind has been blown.
When I arrived at the hotel, we were informed by the general manager that US Airways has provided for our every need during our stay. We get two free meals a day, and three free alcoholic drinks between designated hours (?!)
The hotel shuttles will take us anywhere we need to go for shopping or tourism, and we are free to do as we please when we’re not in training. In addition, we get to keep the rewards points for staying over a month at this brand of hotels, which amounts to a free weekend anywhere in the continental US for the future. I plan to use this wisely.
Today is mainly for getting settled in and rested. I’m currently writing post cards to loved ones (watch your mail!) and will probably go down to the lobby to socialize. Or maybe I’ll just sleep the night away. A 6 hours flight really takes a lot out of you, and how my fellow classmates are talking about going on a Target run already boggles my mind. Right now the weather is beautiful, but slightly rainy and I’d rather reconnoiter the town with fresh energy. Tomorrow I start training and my new life as a flight attendant trainee officially begins. We’ll get pick out and get fitted for our uniforms, receive text books, and meet all our fellow classmates.
Anyway, I think I’ll end here for now, but keep your eyes open for new posts about training very soon. It looks like we have Sundays off every week, so that looks like the best time for updates.

I'm feeling really lazy right now, so instead of trying to organize these into the post in a complementary manner, I'll just dump them here and add captions.

My room!

post cards!

the other part of my room

a blurry picture of Phoenix airport that I took from my phone. 

Brilliant shampoo/conditioner/shower gel dispenser. Everyone should have these!

The carousel baggage claim. It was massive!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

An Office In The Sky

calm before the storm

I have less than a week until I’m leaving the only city I’ve called my home for 20+ years, and starting a completely new life with an office in the sky.  To be fair, I have to successfully complete 4.5 weeks of flight attendant training in Phoenix first, but the anticipation is pretty intense. My highly competitive nature is intrigued by the real possibility that I may fail at this new challenge and return to where I started. But I also know myself well enough to realize I’ll never be satisfied unless I try something drastically different. I have my sunny disposition, intelligence, acute attention to detail, and youthful malleability to work to my advantage. So far, I’ve memorized airport city codes (204!), FAA policies and procedure, and put all my memories and possessions into about a dozen boxes. Everything is slowly starting to materialize, and I’m taking a moment to reflect on my old life as a wide-eyed ingenue, and then take off into the future. Literally.

Despite my enthusiasm, leaving turned out to be harder than I thought. When I initially applied for the FA job, I was at the perfect mental place for a clean break— single, bored, recently graduated from college and ready for a career that didn’t leave me feeling like fried Hell when 5:00 rolled around. And then, I fell in love. It was so effortless and natural, despite being ridiculously inconvenient timing. All of a sudden I started asking myself if I couldn’t stick around just a little while longer. He is very comfortably settled with a house and a good job, and all the time in the world for us to grow something lasting together. I started reconsidering my prime directive. Maybe we could travel together a few times a year and I’d be happy. Maybe all I needed was a short vacation from Chattanooga. In the end I got the call for an interview with US Airways, and a good friend miraculously came through to take my place on my apartment lease. I was chosen as a flight attendant new hire with 4 others out of a initial group of 50. Thankfully my new guy is very supportive of the relationship hurdle my leaving will cause and recognizes I’ll go stark raving mad if I don’t make my own mark on the world.

Right now is the moment of inertia before things take off, and I’m going stir crazy. I’m leaving bright and early Sunday morning with naught more than an open mind and a full suitcase. In the mean time I wanted to get this blog up and running so my family and friends can keep tabs on what I’m up to. I am organizationally challenged when it comes to remembering everyone’s emails and addresses, so I figured it’d be easier to create an independent location for interested parties to come peruse at their leisure. I anticipate updating at least once a week, and eventually turning this space into more than just my experiences as a trainee. One of the mouthwatering perks of working for an airline is the free travel, and I plan on taking full advantage of these benefits. Already friends are asking me about buddy passes and the ones who are scattered across the globe have given me open invitations to visit. My friend Jessie’s blog An Unsettled Life has especially whet my vagabonding appetite.

So, this is me; Beth, the winged wayfarer. Peripatetic extraordinaire armed with an abundant combination of naiveté and enthusiasm.