About the Winged Wayfarer

This is a blog about my experiences and adventures as a new hire flight attendant for a major airline. Memos from my seat in the sky, if you will.

Hello and thanks for stopping by!

My name is Carmen and I'm a 20 something new hire flight attendant for a major airline. I didn't always know I wanted an office in the sky. Up until a couple of months ago, I had spent my comfortable, ordinary entire life in Chattanooga, TN. I went to college to pursue a degree in journalism, but about halfway through that the economy collapsed and I realized I probably wouldn't find a job as a writer. So, I picked up a second major in the ever-stable Accounting. However, when I got out into the "real world" I realized being employed at a job that has you entombed in a cubicle; glancing pleadingly at the clock as it inches towards 5 P.M throughout the day is indicative of a severe need for change.

So I made one. A big one. A completely unplanned one. I applied for a job as a flight attendant.

And then something amazing happened. The very next day I got a phone call offering for me to come to Charlotte NC for an in-person interview. I happily accepted, still just going with what my gut told me was the right decision rather than thinking about how I'd make it work. Somehow, over the next month or so before the interview, everything fell into place for me to pick up my life and have a fresh start. My roommate and I found someone else to take my place on the lease, a friend offered his spare bedroom to store my extra belongings, and I sold or gave away all the rest. It looked like it was going to be smoothe sailing into this new phase of my life.

Until something else unexpected happened. I went to dinner with an old acquaintance, felt the pull of amazing chemistry and fell in love. Little Miss "I don't need to be attached right now" found the man of her dreams and couldn't pass up on the Real Deal. Mr. Darcy. I told him up front I was planning on leaving, and we talked about it and decided to go the distance. Neither of us really knew what we were doing, but we knew we wanted to be together, and I had his support on my decision 100%. Not that this didn't make it a bit more difficult to leave.

The longer I have this job, the more I realized I made the best possible decision for my career. I am excited and challenged by my work, and enthusiastic about the possibilities.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my little corner of the web! Feel free to shoot me an email at {Fraisemedia at Gmail dot com} or check out my frequently updated instagram photos here

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