Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winged Whimsy Weekly

I think by now you all know that I interpret the word "weekly" in this post rather loosely. It can mean weekly, or monthly, bad.

But anyway, I have a nice little group of photos to share and I hope they're worth the wait. These start before my {Ireland trip}, and end with pictures as recent as yesterday.
A rare but wonderful occasion. Darcy and I had a spontaneous slow dance, at a bar, in the middle of a trivia show.

My dear friend made me waffles and sausage for breakfast. I've been to a lot of nice hotels, but this is one of the fanciest spreads I've had in the morning (do you see that sparkling grape juice).  Deeeelicious. And made with love.

Darcy and I attended the local {Chattacon}, where he dressed up as a rather dapper gent. Am I lucky, or am I lucky ladies?

I recently started an Anatomy and Physiology course online. Some of the material is very complicated and verbose, so I remember things by copious highlighting.....and drawing cartoons to help me remember concepts/definitions. Hey, adulthood is what you make of it! ;)

Got a new pair of glasses! I rather like them!

I saw this on the way back from the gym  at my apartment and it made me giggle. Anyone wanna hang out by the pool?

A tonicity experiment I had to do with celery and salt water. Science in progress!

Driving back to Chattanooga last week, I saw this ramp just waiting for some James Bond action. Sadly, I had neither the gumption nor the insanity to attempt.

My bestie Bryanna and I crafting up some Valentines goodness for our honies.

Speaking of, this is the delightful lady I mentioned previously. I had just brought her some earrings from Ireland that she now plans to wear at her wedding in May! We were both pretty tickled.

yesterday in Buffalo New York at the Millenium Hotel. Right after this we went to Nassau Bahamas, so that was a bit sunnier and warmer. But on this morning it was -1 degrees Fahrenheit! No bueno! I wouldn't mind, however, going to Niagara Falls, which was just a few miles away from here.

Due to the onslaught of snow and ice, pretty much every flight in Charlotte has been cancelled or delayed. I'm so over winter!

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