Before I took this job I was worried I'd end up in a life where every day was basically a repeat of the last, give or take a few tedious details. Working as a flight attendant is the exact opposite. Every trip is different, and while certain things are the same (uniform, aircraft fleet, supplies, etc), everything else is fascinatingly varied. I still sit in awe of the fact that I'm getting paid to be a world traveler extraordinaire.
I remember well that first day when my class got our phone calls from scheduling. They went in order of seniority, so we literally watched as one person's phone went off after the next. We all were just so excited and ready to see what they'd say; hoping for something exotic and far away.
When I got called, I had to steady my voice from sounding over-enthusiastic. This was difficult to do when the guy offered me a trip to Aruba.
Would I like to go to Aruba and have a night all-expense-paid night at a beach resort? Gee, let me check my calendar. I might have a dentist's appointment that night.
In Charlotte it was a cold 35 degrees, and the thought of lounging by the waves was almost too good to be true. One of the nice things about being at the bottom of the seniority totem pole as new hires is we get all kinds of trips. As soon as a senior mamas drop a trip or someone calls in sick, we are the first line of response to take their place.
On one of my first assignments, I got to sit OPR (on premesis reserve) with two of my lovely roommates. We got called in order of seniority, so we picked the same time slot. Basically, OPR is where you sit at the airport for 4 hours, waiting for someone to call you for a trip that has to be filled immediately. This usually happens when a flight attendant is late to check in or calls in sick, or is delayed at a different airport and can't make it to the next flight. OPR has a reputation for being boring, but I love it. The mystery of where you could go if you get called, and the camaraderie of hanging out with other flight attendants is awesome. I get a lot of reading done and/or blogging, paying bills etc.
That first OPR with Jasmine and Belle was awesome. The three of us are already inseparable and we kept each other entertained with 4 hours of YouTube videos, pictures, and advice from senior flight attendants who came over to see who these new kids were. That's another thing I love about this job; everybody is so happy to see us. They say it's inspiring to see our fresh enthusiasm, and it reminds them how much they enjoy their jobs. We learned so much, and when it was time to go, we were a little sad. Still, we strutted our stuff through that airport and giggled about how we were finally legit flight attendants.
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The next week, Jasmine and I got a trip together. I forget where we went, but we were having such a good time. After we had served our passengers (flashbacks to training where she and I practiced serving, we could hardly believe we were doing it for real!) we stood in the front galley, out of sight of the passengers and kept making each other laugh. She would do some crazy dance and I would do something silly, and we both just couldn't believe we were getting paid to do this. Then, being the crazy kid she is, she got the idea to climb into the overhead bins after the passengers had deplaned. I was sure she wouldn't fit, or even be able to haul herself up there, but sure enough—she made it happen!
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The next week, I got a 4 day trip to NewYork, Philly, Orlando and Punta Cana DR. It was a big deal for me, because nobody knew me on this trip and I wanted to make a very good first impression. Of course, being me, I assume I'm going to mess everything up under pressure, and I obsessed over studying the aircraft and the position I would be working before the trip. But, it turned out to be great. I met a cool guy named Patrick, who had been working for the company for over 30 years. He was from the same town in Ohio as Darcy, which I thought was incredibly cool, and had a girlfriend from college who he never married because she hated his job. I've heard this a lot among flight attendants. Their spouses want them to be able to spend Christmas or birthdays at home, but we just aren't able to guarantee that.
I guess its hard for me to understand why the day of the month is so important. I wouldn't mind celebrating my birthday the week before, or remembering an anniversary the week after. The important thing is the quality time spent together, not necessarily the date, right? The lack of precise freedom over schedule and planning ability is perhaps one of the drawbacks to the job, but to me it's not that big of a deal. I have a good friend who is getting married at the end of June and if I am unable to make it to the wedding itself, I will be there to see her beforehand and show my support. Plus, I got her and her husband free tickets to Europe, so I don't think they're complaining too much. ;) Flexibility is key, and I knew what I was getting myself into. Still, I felt kind of bad for Patrick and wondered how it felt to be in a relationship where one partner constantly wasn't happy with your lifestyle.
Our New York leg of the trip was spectacular. The flight was at 8 am, and we got in at around 9:30 and the rest of the day was ours to spend in the city. Our hotel accommodations were right in the middle of downtown Manhattan, and I called my good friend Andy to hang out with me. As it turned out, we spent the entire day together exploring the city and enjoying ourselves. We went to Central Park, the Garment District, Strawberry Fields and all over the metro. It was truly a perfect day.
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For more pictures on my trip to New York, as well as many other pictures from other trips, check out my instagram account at!
Well, that's all I have time for now, but I'll be updating again soon!
Awesome, best of luck with your new job (and you blog)