Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Winged Whimsy Weekly

Hello everybody! Taking a note of inspiration from some of my favorite bloggers, I've decided to do a post where I feature some of my favorite photographs I've taken that week. Depending on how interesting my life has been, there may be one picture or  there may be 12. This is just a quick way for me to show you what's intrigued, or amused or shocked or confused me along the way. Heck, even stuff from my life that isn't necessarily flight attendant related. I'll try to regulate it a little better in the future, like having it on a specific day of the week, but for now here's what I've come up with.

I give you, Winged Whimsy!

[caption id="attachment_585" align="alignnone" width="642"]photo teaser photo for an upcoming post: some of my lovely ladies from flight attendant training and I got scheduled on the same trip—so of course we made the most of our long layover and went on an adventure around town! Stay tuned....[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_584" align="alignnone" width="642"]flight attendant blog I saw this in one of my favorite magazines and flipped out. Makeup vending machines in airports?! This is pure brilliance (and may earn a post on here when they show up). I can think of many times when I left behind a lipstick, mascara or concealer and this would have been a lifesaver, since a flight attendant's appearance is of the utmost importance.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_583" align="alignnone" width="642"]flight attendant blog Goofy shot near a big rock sculpture outside Providence, RI airport. I was trying to show I could move it....armed only with a pout....or something....[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_582" align="alignnone" width="642"]flight attendant blog hilarious moment. Darcy came to visit me in Charlotte, but we unfortunately didn't have time to leave the airport before his other flight took him home. So we spent 2 hours walking around the airport, getting food, and looking for somewhere quiet to enjoy each other's company (airports are pretty dauntingly loud when you just want a moment with the man you love). In the end, we found the airport's nondenominational chapel. In it are religious articles and books from every creed and background. We found this yamulke and Darcy posed for a minute, looking deep in though (and rather Jewish!?)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_581" align="alignnone" width="642"]flight attendant blog I attended a white-tie charity dinner with a friend, who was given the tickets by his company's CEO. So for the evening we rubbed elbows with the socialites and jet-setters of Charlotte and had a delightful time (not to mention a 4 course meal sponsored by dozens of corporations, one of which was my airline!)[/caption]





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