Thursday, July 25, 2013

How To Negotiate With Flight Attendant Scheduling Like A Pro

As a reserve flight attendant, the #1 thing you can do to get the best trips is learn to negotiate with scheduling. They pretty much have your life in their hands—there's no way around it. I've only been on the job about 4 months, so by no means am I a pro, but if you're also new (or thinking about becoming a flight attendant), it might behoove you to take notes on some of what I've learned so far.

Carmen's Tips for Rocking It At Scheduling

 1.  Stay updated. I made this #1 for a reason. Get a mobile app that allows you see all open trips (ours is called Catcrew and can be found here); when they're leaving, when they're coming back, where they're going, who is flying, what type of aircraft, the layovers, the total hours you'll be paid, etc. I do this throughout the day to see where I am in the lineup to be called ("what number are you today" is a very common question among reserves)  but most specifically at around 3 PM I check and see what trips are available and watch them slowly disappear as future scheduling starts calling. That way, when it comes time for me to be called, I know exactly what trips are open, and I don't have to keep my scheduler on the phone asking all the questions that I could've found out on my own by simply staying updated.

2. Be polite. Don't think for one minute that scheduling personnel don't put notes in your account about you. If you're rude, or late, or let your temper show, you're bound to get a reputation.

3. Be in the know. Read your contract, and be aware of what is required of you, and what is required of scheduling. Example: take your 90 minutes when you get quick called. If you get asked how quickly you can get to the airport, say you need all 90 minutes, even if you are 15 minutes from the airport with packed bags. Do it.

4. Take the long trips. A 4 day trip might sound exhausting, but remember that you took this job because you wanted to travel. In addition, you'll notice a huge difference in the amount of per diem ( a specified hourly amount your airline will pay as reimbursement for various expenses during the trip) on your paychecks. Those layover hours add up, people. Usually to the tune of a couple extra hundred bucks. So, I say again, those longer trips are worth it!

5. Put yourself on international quick call if you have a yearning desire to go overseas. This way, as soon as a trip comes up and they need a reserve to fill it, you'll be in the first line of duty. However, this could mean getting called in the middle of the night for a 10 hour trip to London. This can suck. But I have a good friend who has gone to Dublin, London and Barcelona right after getting hired, just by putting herself on the international quick call list. Another way to up your odds of getting the international trips is to sit OPR a lot. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't.

6. Give them a list on your days off of places you'd like to go. Note that you can only do this on your days off, not when you're already on-call. This way, if something comes up, they'll put you in the queue to get that awesome long overnight in Seattle, or Paris, or Tel Aviv, etc, etc

7. Ask to be released the afternoon before your off days start. I usually call around 7 PM, and ask to be released, so I can leave Charlotte and get an early start flying back to Chattanooga to see Darcy and friends. Or, go on a birthday vacation. It saves you from spending valuable down time commuting to the place you want to be. Also, its a way to cover your butt. If you just skip town while you're on reserve and they catch you off base, you can get fired. Spare yourself the worry and risk and just ask to be released.

8. Never answer the phone on your OFF days. Unless of course, it's the last day of a set of your off days and there giving you a courtesy call about trips that will be available once you go back on call the next day. I usually just let it go voicemail and then playback their intent. Consider your options here; if you answer on an off day, they can give you a trip! So don't answer unless you need the money more than the leisure.

9. With that said, a courtesy call on your last day off around 3 PM is a wonderful opportunity to see what trips are available and get one you'll actually enjoy. Keep your eyes on the open trips screen and when they call, see if you can get one with a late check in. If they call on a Sunday at 3 pm and you get a trip with a check in on Monday at 7 pm, you just basically bartered yourself another day off!

10. Remember they're human, trying to do a job just like you. It's easy to try and villify the person who wakes you up at 3 AM to take a trip across the country, but they have a prime directive just like you do. They have to wrangle flight attendants and pilots and make sure trips are covered. Even if they aren't particularly perky or helpful, remember they are a means to an end and that end is your job. It's not hard to get along. I've seen so many flight attendants get their britches in a wad over scheduling dilemmas, but you should always keep your cool. Once you understand the system, and master the little nuances, you'll be well on your way to getting the trips—and time off—you so want and deserve.

I'm still far from being a pro at this, but I'm learning more and more each day and I want to share that knowledge with people who are even more green at this than me.

With that said, if I forgot anything, or you have some good advice to add, please comment!


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  5. I acclimatized to be absolutely fat.

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